

Visual Artist, Born & Based In Thessaloniki, Greece

Egkrateia Roumpou, visual artist, was born, lives and works in Thessaloniki, Greece.

She graduated in 2004 with distinction from the department of Visual Art of the school of Fine Arts – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She followed postgraduate studies ΜΑ Fine Art at University of Arts, Wimbledon, London, from where she graduated in 2007.

She presented tree solo shows, the most recent of which was the one presented in Yeni Tzami, entitled “Mitra”, at the Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki and took part in several group shows in Greece and abroad. 

Among them Dreams and Fragments, 2017, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki, 98 hours, 2016, Stereosis, Thessaloniki, On books with the group Platform Translation 98 weeks, 2011, Thessaloniki Biennale: 3 and Beirut, Currents, Trinity Buoy Wharf, 2007, Deutsche Post Bank, Λονδίνο.

Since 2009 she is a teacher of visual arts in ANATOLIA College, Thessaloniki, Greece.


  • 2006-07  Wimbledon University of the Arts London
  • 1998-04  Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki        [awarded scholarship & distinction]
  • 1990-97   Music Education, Classical Piano 
  • 2018     Mitra, Geni Tzami Monument, Thessaloniki, 20 Noev-5 Jan
  • 2009     Egkrateia Roumpou, Metamorphosis, Thessaloniki, 22 Jan–22 Feb
  • 2005     Egkrateia Roumpou, Metamorphosis, Thessaloniki, 9 Jun-15 Jul
  • 2022     Affordable Art, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2018     REM-Brand, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2017     REM-Brand: The Authenticity of the Artist, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2017     Dreams & Fragments, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2016     REM-Brand: The Authenticity of the Artist, Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2016     98 Hours Photography Exhibition, Stereosis, Thessaloniki
  • 2011     98 Weeks Platform Translation Group, Biennale: 3, Thessaloniki
  • 2011     On Books Platform Translation Group, Beirut
  • 2007      Great Artists, Minute Art, Metamorphosis, Thessaloniki
  • 2007       Interim Show Degree Show, Wimbledon University of the Arts, London
  • 2007       Currents, Trinity Buoy Wharf, Deutsche Post Bank, London
  • 2005       Philanthropic Art Exhibition-International Amnesty, Municipal Gallery, Thessaloniki 
  • 2005       Group Exhibition, Zoumboulakis Galleries, Athens
  • 2004       Degree Show-Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
  • 2003-04   Kodra Action Field-Art Festival, Tint Contemporary Art Gallery, Thessaloniki
  • 2002       Form Text to Image & Space-Scenography Exhibition, Theatre-Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki


  • 1975         Born in Thessaloniki
  • 2004-05     Art Lab Coordinator, Teloglion Fine Arts Foundation
  • 2006         Moved to London
  • 2007-08    Art Teacher, Arsakeia Schools in Thessaloniki
  • 2009-       Art Teacher, Anatolia College